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Guild Rules:
Follow all rules, all the time.
Treat everyone in guild with respect
Represent the guild in a positive way. Remember Guild Tag over your head and that it reflects on the guild
Keep Guild Chat clean as possible. If want to talk about Politics there is a politics chat in discord.
Please welcome everyone who joins the guild. Remember we want to make a good impression on new members.
If you have an issue with another member take it to private IM not in discord or guild chat. If not able to get ahold of an officer to assist.
Do not engage in an argument in open guild chat or discord. We will ask to stop and if you dont removal may happen.
No Begging. Asking for help is fine and it is what guildies like to do. But trying to get folks to do things FOR you, instead of WITH you is not acceptable. This includes credits, items and anything else.
Do not argue with an officer if you are asked to correct an action that is related to a guild rules violation. If you do so, you may be removed from the guild without warning.
DO NOT BULLY. If it happens its an instant removal.
Adhere to the Guild Bank Rules at all times, violating them is subject to immediate removal.
Toons that have not logged in within 30 days will be removed to make room in the guild.
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